Friday, June 18, 2010

The Mango Hangover

As you might have guessed from the title, I ate mangoes yesterday. Two of them. Or, maybe three. Still hungover.

Hey it is the mango season in Sri Lanka! And people, both young and old, indulging in the bitter sweetness of the mango fruit and having a war with the mango seed is a common scene in every household down here. As an ardent 'occasional cook', I thought it's the right time to post one of my favourite recipes - Mango Lassi!

Let me take you through the quick and easy steps of making Mango Lassi.

You will need (for one cup):
Mango - 1/2 (peeled and chopped into small pieces)
Curd - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 2 teaspoonsful
Ice cubes

Step 1:
Add the mango pieces and curd into the mixer jar and blend until smooth.

Step 2:
Add sugar to taste, and blend further.

Step 3:
You are good at guessing! Add the ice cubes and blend further and serve chilled.

Delicious Mango Lassi ready! You may experiment with the "mango to curd ratio", or add milk for variations. Hoping that at least three out of my two million readers will try out this recipe :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My First Blog!

Finally! My own blog! After an unusually long debate inside my thought factory, I have decided to share a few snaps from a place I visited recently (is an year and 2 months considered recent??). Since this is my first ever blog, let me wait for the auspicious time to begin..


Ah there it is!

So this place I visited was the Brahadeeswarar Temple, or more popularly known as "Periya Kovil" in Tanjore, South India. At the first glance, my mouth au
tomatically spoke the words 'Woooooow!!’. It was absolute grandeur. The 216 ft tower that welcomed us in, the beautiful gopurams that followed, the magnificent statue of Nandhi, all brought in front of me the splendor of a truly glorious Dravidian dynasty. A true engineering marvel it was! On a historical note, the temple was built during the 1003 AD by King Rajaraja Cholan I.

Here are some of the snaps that I enjoyed taking during the visit..

... and that brings me to the end of my first ever blog post :)